Iced Earth

 Venue: @Aeronef : Lille, France
 Date: October 14, 2013
 Time: 40:51
 Size: 1 CD

 Sound: DAR
 Notes: Lineage : Tascam DR-07 > SP-SPSB-11 > SP-CMC-22 > USB > Presonus Studio One 2.5 Producer > WAV > FLAC
Taper : Theclansmen

I fucking miss the intro and the first minutes of Plagues Of Babylon because i was late due to fuckers on the road who can't find their fucking accelerator!!! I'm still wondering why the bill was not inversed but it's always a pleasure to see Iced Earth on stage
even for only 45 mins.The show was great, the new songs are amazing. Nice audience noise even if it was not a regular IE crowd! Anyways great show, great sound, great bootleg! I'm so angry it's not complete!
Enjoy !

Theclansmen 2013

Disc 1:
01. Plagues Of Bayblon [fade in]
02. Dystopia
03. Dark Saga
04. My Own Savior
05. If I Could See You
06. V
07. Burning Times
08. Watching Over Me
09. Iced Earth



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