Iced Earth

 Venue: @Anfiteatro Romano, Burning Ruins Metal Fest : Terni, Italy
 Date: July 8, 2017
 Time: 72:32
 Size: 1 CD

 Sound: DAR
 Notes: Taper : Gabriele
Equipment : Edirol R-09 HR @ 24bits / 48Khz >>> SP-SPSB-11 >>> SP-CMC-2

Transfer : Edirol R-09 HR >>> USB >>> Downsampling to 16bits / 44Khz with Adobe Audition CC 2015 >>> Mastering with Adobe Audition CC 2015 >>> CDWAW (tracks splitting) >>> dMC Converter to FLAC

Catalog # : GBM409

Disc 1:
01 - Great Heathen Army
02 - Burning Times
03 - Declaration Day
04 - Pure Evil
05 - Vengeance is Mine
06 - V
07 - Seven Headed Whore
08 - I Died for You
09 - Boiling Point
10 - Chtulu
11 - Slave to the Dark
12 - My Own Savior
13 - The Hunter
14 - Dystopia
15 - Watching Over Me



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