
 Venue: @The Brass Monkey : Ottawa, ON
 Date: May 1, 2013
 Time: 100:59
 Size: 2 CDs

 Sound: DAR
 Notes: Source : H2 Zoom > Audacity > Traders Little Helper
Taper : bootlegottawa

Jeff Water's Hometown gig..... Leaving for South America a few hours after the show!!!
Tech difficulties just before Alsion Hell, Jeff mentions Slayer, unbenkownst to us that Jeff Hanneman only had another 12 hours to live.

Disc 1:

Disc 2:
01. Ambush
02. King of the Kill
03. Betrayed
04. Ultra-Motion
05. Time Bomb
06. Clown Parade
07. Set The World On Fire
08. Welcome To Your Death
09. Bliss
10. Phantasmagoria

01. Stonewall
02. 21
03. I Am In Command
04. The Trend
05. The Fun Palace
06. Shallow Grave
07. Alison Hell



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