
 Venue: @Great Woods : Mansfield, MA, USA
 Date: July 6, 1991
 Time: 49:32
 Size: 1 CD

 Sound: AUD B+      Copy from master
 Notes: source : Sony PC-62 > WM-D3 > Master Cassette > > Marantz cd320 tape deck > MBox > ProTools > Aiff > Soundstudio 2.2.4(track splits) > Aiff
taper : MaidenNH

Good audience recording from Clash of the Titans Tour with Megadeth and Slayer (i have these 2 shows too). Track 8 & 9 : fade in at beginning.

Disc 1:
01. Intro
02. Time Intro / NFL
03. Got the Time
04. Caught In a Mosh
05. Keep It In the Family
06. Indians
07. Antisocial
08. I'm the Man
09. Won't Get Fooled Again intro
10. I Am the Law




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