Demons and Wizards - The Fiddler in Paris - Long Version

 Venue: @Elysee-Monmartre : Paris, France
 Date: June 29, 2000
 Time: 69:43 / 33:00
 Size: 2 CDs

 Sound: DAT A-        LOSSY
 Notes: Nice recording but badly it's mp3 sourced, with bad tracks transitions (thanks to Remy for the bad surprise).

Disc 1:

 Disc 2:
01. Intro
02. Rites of Passage
03. Heaven Denies
04. Poor Man's Crusade
05. Fiddler on the Green
06. Blood on My Hands
07. Travel in Stygian
08. Path of Glory
09. Winter of Souls
10. The Whistler
11. Welcome to Dying
12. A Question of Heaven

01. Tear Down the Wall
02. Gallows Pole
03. My Last Sunrise
04. School's Out
05. The Trooper
06. Hells Bells



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