Dimmu Borgir

@Inferno Festival 2002, Rockefeller : Oslo, Norway
March 29, 2002
Time: 69:49
1 CD
SDB A-   FM Broadcast

Excellent show : a must have !

01. Reptile [fades in]
02. Kings of Carnival Creation
03. Spellbound (By The Devil)
04. Master of Disharmony
05. Fear and Wonder
06. Blessing Upon the Throne of Tyranny
07. Indoctrination
08. Sympozium
09. The Insight and the Catharsis
10. In Death's Embrace
11. Alt Lys Er Svunnet Hen
12. Raabjorn Speiler Draugheimens Skodde
13. Mourning Palace / DJ Talking




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