In Flames

 Venue: @The Palladium : Worcester, MA, USA
 Date: April 25, 2008
 Time: 48:13
 Size: 1 CD

 Sound: DAT
 Notes: Source : Core Sound Binaurals== Battery Box (Bass Roll Off on) to Sony PCM-M1===Sony DG90P===Tascam DA 20 MKII
Taper : Farve4

Gigantour 2008 with Megadeth...

Disc 1:
01. Cloud Connected
02. The Mirror's Truth
03. Leeches
04. Clayman
05. Quiet Place
06. Transparent
07. Graveland
08. Disconnected
09. Move Through Me
10. Come Clarity
11. Take This Life
12. My Sweet Shadow



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