
 Venue: @MAI Palace of Culture : Moscow, Russia
 Date: May 27, 2005
 Time: 51:48 / 52:10
 Size: 2 CDs

 Sound: DAR B/B+      2nd gen copy from master
 Notes: Source : Sony PC-62 mic > Sony MZ-R55 MD (taped by Phil D)
Not so bad, but mostly for Kreator's collector. There were too many stagedivers at the gig, who were mesing up with the band and interfering with the performance.

Disc 1:
01. Intro
02. Enemy Of God
03. Impossible Brutality
04. Pleasure To Kill
05. Phobia
06. The Patriarch
07. Violent Revolution
08. World Anarchy
09. Renewal
10. Suicide Terrorist
11. Extreme Agression
12. People Of The Lie
13. Voices Of The Dead

Disc 2: 01. All Of The Same Blood
02. Riot Of Violence
03. Terrible Certainty
04. Reconquering The Throne
05. Betrayer
Encore :
06. Love Us Or Hate Us
07. Flag Of Hate
08. Tormentor



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