
@Pecsa,  Metal Mania Festival : Budapest, Hungary
March 10, 2005
1 CD

Source : Mic Sony ECM MS-907 -> Sharp MD MT-866 (mic-in, rec.-level 14/30, stereo, MD Maxell 74 min.*1)
Transfer : line out Sharp MD-MT866>line in soundcard Soundblaster Audigy LS>Sony Sound Forge 7.0 (master-wave-file 1 track)
>CoolEdit Pro 2.0 (amplify, normalize)> CD Wave Editor 1.9 (track splitting)

Taped, mastered and cover made by : Gogsi

01. Intro
02. In And Above Men
03. From Lowering Skies
04. Alma Mater
05. The Southern Deathstyle
06. Everything Invaded
07. Wolfshade (A Werewolf Masquerade)
08. Mephisto
09. Opium
10. Full Moon Madness



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