
 Venue: @The Bitter Suite : Preston, UK
 Date: February 25, 2006
 Time: 66:36
 Size: 1 CD

 Sound: SDB A/A-
 Notes: Source: Soundboard
Lineage: MiniDisk>Audio CDR

Notes from the taper : "I flew from Germany to Preston to see (and record) this "reunion" gig and am sure glad I did ! It was well worth the expense. The guys were in top form offering an excellent setlist and enthusiastic vibe for the whole evening. I had originally planned to do an audience recording but my equipment was messed up the night before at the BLITZKRIEG gig in Belfast so luckily the sound engineer was nice enough to let me record right off the soundboard. I don't have editing programs for increasing the volume level so for some of you more picky folks, it might be too low. Turning the volume knob up on your stereo remedies this quite easily. ;-D Also, as with many soundboard recordings the vocals are higher in the mix but I still think it sounds great ! Enjoy and a few seconds for a "thank you" would be appreciated. A lot of time and effort goes into preparing these things to share."

Disc 1:
01. Intro
02. Black Embrace
03. Balance Of Power
04. Questions
05. Waiting
06. Dark Enemy
07. For Whose Advantage ?
08. Reasons For Destruction
09. Shadows Of Doubt
10. Crimes
11. Audience
12. Happy Birthday Macka / Ghostbusters
13. No Compromise
14. Outro




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