
 Venue: @Weserstadion : Bremen, Germany
 Date: June 16, 2004
 Time: 133:38
 Size: 2 CDs

 Sound: DAR
 Notes: Source : Soundman OKM IIR binaural mics->Sharp MD-MT888H->MBox/ProTools->CD Architect
Taper : Snowdog62

Notes from the taper :
I taped this show from Kirk's side about 5-10 metres from the stage, right in front of the PA stack. It was an outdoor gig in a large stadium and some wind "phasing" effects are audible along with a bit of slapback echo from the stadium walls.
The crowd was rowdy and drunk which meant I had to change positions quite often to avoid certain boisterous individuals.
This is the full show. No cuts. Discs are split at the end of the main set.

All in all it's a good listen, to my ears at least. I didn't tweek any EQ on this recording and you may find you need to add a bit of mid-range and reduce the bass for a better listening experience.

This was the last of 13 shows in Germany since the release of St. Anger and they mixed up the setlist a bit for the occasion.

Disc 1:

Disc 2:
The Ecstacy Of Gold
Creeping Death
Wherever I May Roam
Leper Messiah
The Memory Remains
Holier Than Thou
No Leaf Clover
Fade To Black
Master of Puppets
Fight Fire With Fire

St. Anger
Nothing Else Matters
Sad But True
Enter Sandman
The Wait
End of Show




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