
 Venue: @Rock am Ring, Nürburgring : Nurburg, Germany
 Date: June 7, 2008
 Time: 125:00
 Size: 2 CDs

 Sound: SDB           MTV Broadcast
 Notes: Source : Analog TV Signal > Panasonic Hard Disc Recorder DMR-EH67 > Audio Out > Monster Interlink 100 Minijack Cable > Sony PCM-D50 (44.1kHz/16Bit, Limiter off, Low Cut Filter off, SBM on) > Copy Wave File to PC via USB Connection > Edit with Adobe Audition 3 (Normalize to 96%, Fade-In and Fade-Out, Split)
Notes from the Taper : " During one song (can't remember which one, sorry), there was a split-second problem with the picture and sound, this seemed to me to be a broadcasting problem, I can't be sure though.
The hosts talked during the encore break, I cut them out, some notes of the next song are missing, you can find the unedit version in the "Enter Sandman - Die Die My Darling (unedited)" subfolder. There were some fireworks, any "shots" during the last songs are those fireworks."

Disc 1:
01 - Intro
02 - Creeping Death
03 - For Whom The Bell Tolls
04 - Ride The Lightning
05 - Harvester Of Sorrow
06 - Bleeding Me
07 - No Remorse
08 - Devil's Dance
09 - ... And Justice For All
10 - Fade To Black
11 - Master Of Puppets
12 - Whiplash
13 - Nothing Else Matters
14 - Sad But True
15 - One
16 - Enter Sandman
17 - Princess Of The Night Tease (Saxon)
18 - Die Die My Darling
19 - Motorbreath
20 - Seek And Destroy




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