Metallica - One Last Visit

 Venue: @Chateau East Studio : Tuscin, CA
 Date: July 6, 1982
 Time: 30:03 / 05:45
 Size: 1 CD

 Sound: SDB A+
 Notes: Source : Silver CD

Other edition of the famous "No Life' til Leather" demos, with 2 others demos as bonus tracks.
Excellent quality, only a few hiss noise, but not disturbing.

Disc 1:
01. Hit The Lights
02. The Mechanix
03. Motorbreath
04. Jump in the Fire
05. Seek And Destroy
06. Metal Militia
07. Phantom Lord

Bonus : Whiskey Audition Tape - March 1982
08. Killing Time
09. Let it Loose




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