
 Venue: @The Stone : San Francisco, CA
 Date: November 26, 1983
 Time: 84:29
 Size: 2 CDs

 Sound: AUD
 Notes: SOURCE: unknown mics > unknown recorder
TRANSFER: unknown gen cassette > Adobe Audigy Platnium > Goldwave > CDWAVE > WAV > FLAC
(transferred by Jeff S.)

Notes: Great show, but the sound quality varies throughout. The recording is very quiet for the first part of Lights, but the taper makes some adjustments and it sounds pretty good for an '83 recording. When the taper flips the tape during No Remorse, the remaining set sound quality takes a hit, but still very listenable. I've spent a lot of time trying to get this recording into the best shape possible. Please don't be a jerk and convert it to mp3 and distribute it.
The crowd clearly doesn't know the songs from Ride the Lightning. One girl clear states "I don't like this song" during
Fight Fire with Fire. Wonder where she is now. Got to see Metallica in '83 and she will forever get the scorn of Metallica
fans everywhere by saying "I Don't Like this song"

They played twice there, november 7th and 26th :
James tells us the correct date: He wishes Dave from Armored Saint a happy 20th birthday before Phantom Lord. Dave Prichard was born on 63-11-27.

Disc 1:
Hit the Lights
The Four Horsemen
Jump in the Fire
Fight Fire with Fire
Ride the Lightning
Phantom Lord
Call of Ktulu
No Remorse
Seek and Destroy
Cliff's Solo
Creeping Death
Kirk's solo
Metal Militia




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