Metallica - Late show

 Venue: @Broadway Jacks : Chicago, IL, USA
 Date: December 15, 1983
 Time: 69:23
 Size: 1 CD

 Sound: AUD A-
 Notes: Very good recording considering the era, a bit of hiss noise. Second gig of the day, full show. James says: "this is for the trues who are stucked with us, seen here the last time, heh heh they are they are" before Motorbreath.
Version 2 of this show.

Disc 1:
01. Ecstasy of Gold / Hit the Lights / The Four Horsemen
02. Jam
03. Fight Fire with Fire
04. Ride the Lightning
05. Motorbreath
06. Seek and Destroy
07. Creeping Death
08. Bass solo / Anethstesia (Pulling Teeth) / Whiplash
09. No Remorse



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