
 Venue: @Stadthalle : Cologne (Koln), Germany
 Date: December 5, 1984
 Time: 58:55
 Size: 1 CD

 Sound: AUD    
 Notes: Tape transfer details
The cassette then transferred to digital using a Sony tape deck (tc-we675 )
to Sony Receiver (str-de475) via a Behringer U-Control UCA202 onto my laptop where it was ripped, trimmed, tracked, Normalized and boosted 3db using audacity saved as a WAV

Incomplete missing encores and Kirks solo
it sounds like the last 2 songs were sourced from a different souce they are louder and a little distorted

Disc 1:
01. The Ecstasy of Gold (Ennio Morricone song)
02. Fight Fire With Fire
03. Ride the Lightning
04. Phantom Lord
05. The Four Horsemen
06. (Anesthesia) Pulling Teeth
07. For Whom the Bell Tolls
08. No Remorse
09. The Call of Ktulu
10. Seek & Destroy
11. Whiplash



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