
 Venue: @Markthalle : Hamburg, Germany
 Date: December 9, 1984
 Time: 63:21
 Size: 1 CD

 Sound: AUD
 Notes: Source: Unknown AUD
Transfer: Unknown gen. cass > Kenwood KX-W4080 > Polderbits > WAV > Nero > CDR(M) > EAC(secure) > WAV > FLAC(lvl8)

I got this show directly from the person that transfered their unknown gen cass to cdr for me. Overall this show sounds pretty nice for this tour. Whiplash cuts due to cass flip, Creeping Death also cuts in as a result from this. This is definently the hamburg show, james sings "scanin the scene in hamburg tonight" during seek and destroy.

~ bubba420 ~

Disc 1:
01. The Ecstacy Of Gold / Fight Fire With Fire
02. Ride The Lightning
03. Phantom Lord
04. Four Horsemen
05. Anesthesia (Pulling Teeth)
06. For Whom The Bell Tolls
07. No Remorse
08. Call Of The Ktulu
09. Seek And Destroy
10. Whiplash [cuts out]
11. Creeping Death [cuts in]
12. Metal Militia




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