
 Venue: @Civic Center : Ottawa, ON, Canada
 Date: January 18, 1985
 Time: 57:31
 Size: 1 CD

 Sound: AUD
 Notes: SOURCE: Unknown analog
TRANSFER: Unknown gen cassette > Goldwave > EQ'd > CDWAVE > WAV > CDR (by Jeff S.)

This is the real Ottawa show. James says during Seek and Destroy: "scanning the scene in Ottawa tonight"

Disc 1:
01. Tape Hiss
02. Ecstacy of Gold
03. Fight Fire with Fire
04. Ride the Lightning
05. Phantom Lord
06. Bass Solo
07. For Whom the Bell Tolls
08. No Remorse
09. Call of Ktulu
10. Seek and Destroy
11. Whiplash
12. Creeping Death



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