
 Venue: @Annie's Riverside Saloon : Cincinatti, OH, USA
 Date: January 29, 1985
 Time: 56:00 / 18:36
 Size: 1 CD

 Sound: AUD B-/C
 Notes: Source : unknown mics > unknown recorder
TRANSFER: unknown gen cassette > USB SoundBlaster HD > Goldwave > CDWAVE > WAV
(transferred by Jeff S)

Version 2 : longer but still incomplete show.

Disc 1:
Fight Fire with Fire
Ride the Lightning
Phantom Lord
Cliff's solo
For Whom the Bell Tolls
No Remorse
Call of Ktulu
Seek and Destroy [cut - fade out]
Whiplash [cut]
Creeping Death

Seek & Destroy
Metal Militia



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