
 Venue: @Headliners : Madison, WI, USA
 Date: February 5, 1985
 Time: 43:53
 Size: 1 CD

 Sound: AUD           
 Notes: Source: Unknown AUD
Transfer: CASS(unknown gen) > Sony TCW-305 > Roxio 6.0 > WAV > CDR(M) > EAC(secure) > WAV > FLAC(lvl8)
Another RARE early met show i got from the person that transfered his unknown gen cass to cdr for me. The sound isnt the best.. it has a bit of hiss but its pretty good aud recording overall considering it age and rarity.
~ bubba420 ~
Version 2 : a bit longer but still incomplete.

Disc 1:
01. Fight Fire With Fire
02. Ride the Lightning
03. Phantom Lord
04. Bass Solo
05. For Whom the Bell Tolls
06. No Remorse
07. The Call of Ktulu
08. Seek & Destroy



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