
 Venue: @Grand Central Station : Albuquerque, NM, USA
 Date: March 3, 1985
 Time: 64:55
 Size: 1 CD

 Sound: AUD B/B+        Transfer of 1st generation cassette to digital by Scott Heller. 
 Notes: Source : Aiwa TPS30 recorder with built in microphone
Taper : Greg Anderson

Last song is cut, only few riffs of "Motorbreath". Nice recording, a bit bassy.

Disc 1:
01. Fight Fire with Fire
02. Ride the Lightning
03. Phantom Lord
04. The Four Horsemen
05. Bass Solo
06. For whom the bell Tolls
07. No Remorse
08. Fade to Black
09. Seek and Destroy
10. Whiplash
11. Creeping Death
12. Guitar Solo
13. Am I Evil / Motorbreath [cuts]



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