
 Venue: @Country Club : Reseda, CA, USA
 Date: November 8, 1986
 Time: 84:26
 Size: 2 CDs

 Sound: AUD          
 Notes: SOURCE: unknown mics > unknown recorder
TRANSFER: unknown gen cassette > Creative Audigy Platnium > Goldwave > CDWAVE > WAV > FLAC
Transferred by Jeff S.

Jason's first gig. This was supposed to be a secret show, but obviously it wasn't very secret. LOTS of energy at this show from the crowd and band. You can hear the taper getting thrashed around during Battery, and he eventually finds a better place to tape from.

Disc 1:
01. The Ecstasy of Gold
02. Battery
03. Master of Puppets
04. For Whom the Bell Tolls
05. Welcome Home(Sanitarium)
06. Ride the Lightning
07. Kirk's solo
08. Whiplash
09. Seek and Destroy
10. Creeping Death
11. The Four Horsemen
12. Fade to Black
13. Am I Evil?
14. Damage Inc.
15. Fight Fire with Fire



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