
 Venue: @Capital Theatre : Passaic, NJ
 Date: November 29, 1986
 Time: 40:09 / 40:00 / 05:09
 Size: 2 CDs

 Sound: AUD
 Notes: Transfer: CDR -> EAC(secure) -> WAV -> FLAC(lvl8)
This 100% the correct show, during Seek & Destroy james sings: Scanin the scene in passaic tonight."

Disc 1:

Disc 2:
01. Battery
02. Master of Puppets
03. For Whom the Bell Tolls
04. Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
05. Ride the Lightning
06. Bass Solo
07. Whiplash
08. The Thing That Should Not Be

01. Fade to Black
02. Seek & Destroy
03. Creeping Death
04. The Four Horsemen
05. Guitar Solo
06. Am I Evil?
07. Damage Inc.
08. Fight Fire With Fire

Bonus :
09. 1986 Radio Interview w/jason about replacing cliff



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