
 Venue: @RFK Stadium : Washington, DC, USA
 Date: June 10, 1988
 Time: 4:32 / 58:52
 Size: 1 CD

 Sound: AUD            
 Notes: SOURCE: Unknown mic > Unknown analog
TRANSFER: unknown gen analog > Goldwave > EQ'd > CDWAVE > WAV (Transfer done by jsshaw)

It's the real show, James (or Jason, can't hear it) sings during Seek and Destroy: "Scanning the scene in DC tonight"
Also, DC is mentioned after Master of Puppets. The recording sounds distant, it's a collector-type bootleg.

Disc 1:
01. Soundcheck

02. The Ecstacy of Gold
03. Creeping Death
04. For Whom the Bell Tolls
05. Sanitarium
06. Whiplash
07. Fade To Black
08. Seek & Destroy
09. Master Of Puppets
10. Last Caress
11. Am I Evil?
12. Battery



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