
 Venue: @Rice Stadium : Houston, TX
 Date: July 2, 1988
 Time: 57:01
 Size: 1 CD

 Sound: AUD
 Notes: Source: Unknown AUD (1st Gen. Cass)
Transfer: 1st Gen. Cass > Sony TCW-305 > Roxio 6.0 > WAV > CDR(M) > EAC(secure) > WAV > FLAC(lvl8)

I got this show directly from the guy that transfered his 1st gen aud cass to cdr for me. Overall this isnt he best aud recording, but its rare as hell and 1st gen so who cares. James doesnt mention the name of the city at all during the show but its the real show, after battery the taper says into the mic: " shorter set from metallica at the texas jam, july 2nd."

~ bubba420 ~

Disc 1:
01. Ecstasy Of Gold
02. Creeping Death
03. For Whom the Bell Tolls
04. Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
05. Whiplash
06. Fade to Black
07. Seek And Destroy
08. Master of Puppets
09. Helpless Jam
10. Last Caress
11. Am I Evil?
12. Battery




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