
 Venue: @Forest National : Bruxelles, Belgium
 Date: October 29, 1988
 Time: 79:57 / 47:21
 Size: 2 CDs

 Sound: AUD
 Notes: Source : Aiwa CM-30A Mics -> Sony WM-D6 Analog Walkman-> Analog Master (2x TDK SA 90 chrom)-> AIWA AD-WX909 Tapedeck -> Sounblaster Live 5.1 (line-in)-> WaveLab 3.0 (recording)-> 4x WAV (raw) -> Lite-on LTR 12101B CDR-Burner-> 2x CDR-Master (Philips CD-R 90 + Maxwell CD-R 80 XL)-> Pioneer DVD-ROM DVD-116 PC-Drive-> EAC (secure)-> WAV (untracked, unprocessed)-> MKW Audio Compression Tools 0.97b-> SHN
Taper : Hhaki Reumont

Got this show from the taper as 2x CDR-M (untracked and unprocessed) as he was not familiar with lossless compression.
2nd source, full show.

Disc 1:




Disc 2:

The Ecstacy of Gold
For Whom the Bell Tolls
The Four Horsemen
Harvestor of Sorrow
Eye of the Beholder
Bass Solo
To Live is To Die
Master of Puppets
Damage Inc.
Seek & Destroy
...And Justice For All

Encore Break / Jam
Creeping Death
Fade to Black
Guitar Solo (Kirk) / Little Wing
Encore Break / Dazed And Confuzed
Prowler jam
Run To The Hills / Helpless jam
Last Caress
Am I Evil



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