
 Venue: @Reunion Arena : Dallas, TX
 Date: February 5, 1989
 Time: 12:11
 Size: 1 CD

 Sound: SDB
 Notes: Howdy...
Here's something you all have NEVER seen/heard before. 'Harvie' and 'Eye' from the February 5, 1989 show in Dallas, TX. These are NOT the versions that ended up in Fan Can #4, this is a completely different source.

You see... Fan Can #4 was sourced from Lars' personal cassette from the vault. These two tracks are sourced from the master recordings that ended up on various versions of the One single (Bellz, Sanitarium, Creep, Seek). Where the FC4 recordings have a bit more trebel... these two tracks thunder with some serious bass. They sound just as good as the other b-sides, in my opinion... though, to the best of my knowledge, without being mastered.

Unfortunately, I have not come across any other of the songs from this source... so just be happy with these two tracks... especially a quality sounding version of 'Eye.'

Disc 1:
Eye of the Beholder
Harvester of Sorrow




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