
 Venue: @Auditorium : West Palm Beach, FL
 Date: February 15, 1989
 Time: 50:43
 Size: 1 CD

 Sound: AUD
 Notes: Source: Unknown AUD
Transfer: ?? -> Trade CDR -> EAC(secure) -> WAV -> FLAC

Incomplete recording, half of the show is missing. A pretty rough sounding show that at times sounds like it could of been the audio from a vhs, sometimes it sounds like the tracking was messed up. Im not sure if this is all that exists of this show or if a full recording also exists.

Disc 1:
01. Ecstasy Of Gold
02. Blackened
03. For Whom The Bell Tolls
04. Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
05. Leper Messiah
06. Harvester Of Sorrow
07. Eye Of The Beholder
08. Bass Solo
09. Master Of Puppets




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