
 Venue: @Richfield Coliseum : Richfield, OH
 Date: July 8, 1989
 Time: 125:34
 Size: 2 CDs

 Sound: AUD
 Notes: Source : from Stef's collection of tapes
Transfer : audio tape > Sony stereo cassette deck TC-FX211 > EMU PCI card > Nero Soundtrax 3 > wav
Transferred by sousourn1823 - July 2014

Correct show : Yes, James at the end of Seek and Destroy intro : "come on Cleveland i wanna see some action" and "scanning the scene in Cleveland tonight".

"Breadfan" is missing.

Disc 1:

Disc 2:
01. Intro
02. Blackened
03. For Whom The Bell Tolls
04. Sanitarium
05. Harvester of Sorrow
06. The Four Horsemen
07. The Thing That Should Not Be
08. Bass Solo
09. Master Of Puppets
10. Fade To Black

01. Seek And Destroy
02. And Justice For All
03. Creeping Death
04. One
05. Guitar Solo
06. Battery
07. The Wait
08. Last Caress
09. Am I Evil
10. Whiplash [cuts at the very end]
11. Breadfan [missing]



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