Metallica - Live at the Court of Attila

 Venue: @Nep Stadium : Budapest, Hungary
 Date: August 22, 1991
 Time: 64:57
 Size: 1 CD

 Sound: AUD A/A-     Copy from Silver CD
 Notes: "Seek and Destroy" is missing. Some statics . Setlist on artwork is wrong : tracks are not in the right order after "master".

Disc 1:
01. Enter Sandman
02. Creeping Death
03. Harvester Of Sorrow
04. Fade To Black
05. Sad But True
06. Master Of Puppets
07. Whiplash
08. Jam / Last Caress
09. Am I Evil
10. Battery
11. For Whom the Bell Tolls / Guitar solo
12. One



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