
 Venue: @Brown County Arena : Green Bay, WI
 Date: November 12, 1991
 Time: 68:46 / 79:11
 Size: 2 CDs

 Sound: AUD
 Notes: Source : Sony Stock Mic > Sony WM-D3 > 2 Maxell XL II 100 Master Cassettes > Nakamichi DR-1 (azimuth manually adjusted, no NR) > Creative Sound Blaster X-fi Elite Pro > Cool Edit Pro (boost, fades, & EQ) > CDWAV > FLAC
Taper : Belexes

I had equipment issues during Fade to Black. This was taped in the taper section to the left of the soundboard as you face the stage. There were some video filmers in the section, but I was the only one running an audio rig.

Disc 1:

Disc 2:
Ecstasy of Gold
Enter Sandman
Creeping Death
Harvester of Sorrow
Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
Sad But True
Wherever I May Roam
Bass Solo
Through the Never
The Unforgiven
Justice Medley

Drum Solo
Guitar Solo
The Four Horsemen
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Fade to Black (incomplete and distorted)
Master of Puppets
Seek & Destroy
Last Caress
Am I Evil?




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