
 Venue: @ Forum de Montréal : Montreal, QC, Canada
 Date: November 17, 1991
 Time: 151:23
 Size: 2 CDs

 Sound: AUD             
 Notes: Recorder: Sony WM-D3 + Mics: Sony PC62 (supplied mic)
Master Cassettes: Maxell XLII 90's
Transfer: Nakamichi Deck 1 (azimuth adjusted) -> Interlink 400 MKII -> M-Audio Audiophile 2496 -> Soundforge 8 -> Goldwave v5.13 -> FLAC 1.7.1 (level 8)
Taper: rcsguy


Disc 1:
01 The Ecstacy Of Gold
02 Enter Sandman
03 Creeping Death
04 Harvester Of Sorrow
05 Sanitarium
06 Sad But True
07 Wherever I May Roam
08 -bass solo-
09 Orion
10 Through The Never
11 The Unforgiven
12 -jam/drum solo/guitar solo-
13 The Four Horsemen
14 For Whom The Bell Tolls
15 Fade To Black
16 Whiplash
17 Master Of Puppets
18 Seek & Destroy
19 One
20 Last Caress
21 Am I Evil?
22 Battery



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