
 Venue: @Selland Arena : Fresno, CA
 Date: February 15, 1992
 Time: 160:36
 Size: 3 CDs

 Sound: DAT     
 Notes: From the collection of koondog a/k/a Rush-Fan

Taper: Robert
Gear: unknown
Transferred & mastered by }{eywood
Lineage: DAT (M) > Sony UX90 cassettes (1) > JVC TD-W354 playback deck > Adobe Audition 1.5 (recording to .wav @ 24/96, EQ. normalization, splits & fades) > Xrecode II (conversion to 16/44.1) > TLH (sector alignment, flac 8)

Correct show : yes, "Scanning the scene in Fresno tonight".

Upgrade to my incomplete mp3 version.

Disc 1:

The Ecstasy of Gold
Enter Sandman
Creeping Death
Harvester of Sorrow
Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
Sad But True
Wherever I May Roam
Jason's solo (My Friend of Misery, Orion)
Through the Never
The Unforgiven
Justice Medley
Drum Solo
Kirk Solo
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Fade to Black
Master of Puppets
Seek And Destroy
Last Caress
Am I Evil



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