
 Venue: @Blossom Music Center : Cleveland, OH
 Date: July 3, 1992
 Time: 132:54
 Size: 2 CDs

 Sound: AUD
 Notes: Source: Unknown AUD (3rd gen Cass)
Transfer: 3rd gen Cass > Sony TCW-305 > Roxio 6.0 > WAV > CDR(M) > EAC(secure) > WAV > FLAC(lvl8)

I got this directly from the person that transfered his 3rd gen cass. It has a bit more hiss then the other source that circulates and has some cuts which are from cass flips, overall its not to much different other then that. I dont know if the other version has the cuts or not. Cleveland is mentioned during seek and destroy so its for sure the correct show.

~ bubba420 ~

Disc 1:

Disc 2:
01. Ecstasy Of Gold -> Creeping Death
02. Harvester Of Sorrow
03. Fade To Black
04. Sad But True
05. Wherever I May Roam
06. Of Wolf And Man
07. For Whom The Bell Tolls (cuts out)
08. Kirks Guitar Solo -> Unforgiven (cuts in)
09. Shortest Straw
10. Jasons Solo -> Dased And Confused Jam -> Kirks Solo -> Funeral March Of A Marionette

01. One
02. Master Of Puppets -> Seek And Destroy (cuts out)
03. Seek And Destroy (cuts in)
04. Whiplash
05. Nothing Else Matters
06. Enter Sandman
07. Last Caress
08. Am I Evil?
09. Battery




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