
 Venue: @Williams Brice Stadium : Columbia, SC, USA
 Date: September 7, 1992
 Time: 76:44 / 68:51
 Size: 2 CDs

 Sound: DAT B+           Copy from master
 Notes: Source : Sony D-3 DATman > Realistic 33-1065 Stereo Electret Microphone > Maxell RM-120 > Sony PCM-R300 > Philips CDR-200 > CDR
Taper : Jerry B. aka "The Govner"
Notes from the taper :
" This show was a "spur of the moment" decision to drive from Dayton to Columbia,SC for the Labor Day Weekend make up show for the Metallica/Guns N' Roses Stadium tour which was postponed due to Jame's attempt to bar-b-que himself in Montreal! We didn't have tickets but got lucky at the show and was able to buy mid-field in front of the soundboard. The sound is somewhat ok for a stadium gig but I could be a bit too critical on my own recordings so I will let you all decide! Since it was an last minute road trip I only had 1 2 hour DAT tape so I went in half-speed for all of Metallica's set and got about 2/3rds of Guns N' Roses set (cuts off in "November Rain")
This is another show where John Marshall (now a member of "Metal Church") filled in for James on guitar....and during "Last Caress" Jim Martin of Faith No More (which I did not tape) helped on vocals. A Hell of a rough return back to Dayton but was well worth the trip if you don't count Axl Rose's piss-poor attitude during the GnR set......he even sat down on Matt Sorum's drum riser and looked at his shoes while he went through the motions signing "Sweet Child O' Mine".....a first class jerk as usual!"

Disc 1:
01. Intro / Creeping Death
02. Harvester Of Sorrow
03. Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
04. Sad But True
05. Wherever I May Roam
06. Of Wolf And Man
07. For Whom The Bell Tolls
08. The Unforgiven
09. Shortest Straw
10. Jason's Solo & Kirk's Solo

  Disc 2: 01. Fade To Black
02. Master Of Puppets
03. Seek And Destroy
04. Whiplash
05. Nothing Else Matters
06. Am I Evil
07. Last Caress (w/Jim Martin)
08. One
09. Enter Sandman




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