
 Venue: @Entertainment Centre : Sydney, Australia
 Date: March 27, 1993
 Time: 70:41 / 58:26
 Size: 2 CDs

 Sound: AUD
 Notes: Source: Unknown Aud (Unknown Gen. Cass)
Transfer: Unknown Gen. Cass -> Denon Precision Audio Cassette Deck DRW-580 -> Cool Edit Pro 2.0 -> WAV -> Easy Cd Creator 5 Platium -> CDR(M) -> EAC(secure) -> WAV -> FLAC(lvl8)

I got this directly from the person in australia that transfered his cassette. The setlist matches the first night in sydney perfectly, James also sings during Seek & destroy "scanin the scene in Sydney tonight" so this is 100% the correct show.

~ bubba420 ~

Disc 1:
01. Ecstacy Of Gold -> Creeping Death
02. Harvester of Sorrow
03. Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
04. Sad But True
05. Wherever I May Roam
06. Of Wolf & Man
07. The Unforgiven
08. Justice Medley
09. Bass Solo -> Guitar Solo -> Through the Never
10. For Whom the Bell Tolls

  Disc 2: 01. Fade to Black
02. Master of Puppets
03. Seek & Destroy
04. Whiplash
05. Nothing Else Matters
06. Am I Evil?
07. Last Caress
08. One
09. Enter Sandman




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