
 Venue: @Orange County Fairgrounds : Middletown, NY
 Date: June 17, 1994
 Time: 42:19
 Size: 1 CD

 Sound: AUD
 Notes: Source : Sony D3 w/stock mic
Lineage: Master cassette > Tascam 202MKV > Edirol R09 (16/44) > Adobe Audition 5.5 (level boost/hiss reduction) > CD Waveditor (track) > flac8
Taper: Koondog (a/k/a RushFan)
Transfer & Tracking: Smores

6th source, incomplete. the taper assures me that the master cassette of part 1 is long gone and this part 2 of the master is all that still exists. It is unclear if copies of the whole show were circulated in the tape trading days- so the whole show may exist somewhere, but these files are processed from all that remains of the master.

Disc 1:

Fade To Black
Sad But True
Enter Sandman
So What!




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