Metallica - Storming The Castle 1995

 Venue: @Donington Park, Donington, UK
 Date: August 26, 1995
 Time: 55:29 / 17:42
 Size: 1 CD

 Sound: SDB      FM Broadcast     Copy from Silver CD
 Notes: Source : Factory pressed CD > EAC > WAV > FLAC
version 3 : another incomplete edition, from FM Broadcast with others bonus tracks.

Disc 1:
01. Master of Puppets
02. Wherever I May Roam
03. 2 X 4
04. Harvester of Sorrow
05. Nothing Else Matters
06. Sad But True
07. One
08. Enter Sandman

Bonus : Castle Donington - August 17, 1991
09. Whiplash
10. Last Caress
11. Am I Evil?
12. Battery




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