
 Venue: @New York State Fairgrounds : Syracuse, NY
 Date: July 13, 1996
 Time: 96:11
 Size: 2 CDs

 Sound: DAT
 Notes: Source: DAT Master clone - Schoeps MK4 CMC6 > Sonosax > Sony D10
Transfer: Sony PCM-R500 > Sony CDR-W33 > EAC > Cool Edit Pro 1.2a > SHN (MKW)
Transfer by "leegeddy".

Normalization, amplitude adjustments and removal of clicks and softened handclaps.
Otherwise, the recording represents a straight DAT recording. Slight EQ to high and mid frequencies.

A nice recording of Metallica from the '96 Lollapalooza Festival. The audience is VERY low in the mix with Jame's vocals very up front along with Kirk's guitars. Those Schoeps pickup such a sweet bass sound in comparison to other mics.

Disc 1:

Disc 2:
01. So What!
02. Creeping Death
03. Sad But True
04. Ain't My Bitch
05. Whiplash
06. Fade To Black
07. King Nothing
08. One

01. Until It Sleeps
02. For Whom The Bell Tolls
03. Wherever I May Roam
04. Bleeding Me intro > Nothing Else Matters
05. Enter Sandman
06. Last Caress
07. Master Of Puppets
08. Overkill




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