Metallica - Devil's Dance

 Venue: @Globe Arena : Stockholm, Sweden
 Date: November 16, 1996
 Time: 72:00 / 59:13
 Size: 2 CDs

 Sound: SDB A+       
 Notes: Source : FM Broadcast > Copy from Silver 2CD

Second night in Stockholm. Incomplete recording : 2 songs are missing cause they were not broadcasted.
King Nothing is not at the right place, it was played before One.

Disc 1:

Disc 2:
01. Last Caress
02. Creeping Death
03. Ain't My Bitch
04. Whiplash
05. Bleeding Me
06. One
07. Devil's Dance
08. Sanitarium jam / Nothing Else Matters
09. Until It Sleeps
10. King Nothing
11. Wherever I May Roam
12. Fade To Black

01. Kill - Ride Medley
02. So What
03. Master Of Puppets
04. Enter Sandman
05. Breadfan
06. Overkill
07. Interview

@Osteehalle, Kiel - September 25, 1996
08. For Whom The Bell Tolls
09. The Shortest Straw

@Maimarkthalle, Mannheim - October 25, 1996
10. Sad But True
11. King Of Nothing

MTV Music Awards, New York - September 1996
12. Until It Sleeps



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