
 Venue: @Marine Midland Arena : Buffalo, NY
 Date: March 25, 1997
 Time: 127:28
 Size: 2 CDs

 Sound: DAT
 Notes: Taper: }{eywood
Gear: Realistic and Shure stage mics > Tascam Prrtastudio 488 used for mixer > DAT
Transfer and mastering by }{eywood
Lineage: DAT (M) > Maxell XLII 90 Cassettes (1) JVC TD-W354 playback deck > Adobe Audition 1.5 (Recording to .wav @ 24/96, EQ, WNS, normalization, splits & fades) > Xrecode II (flac 8)
This is a new transfer from my master made on May 18, 2017.

Notes from the taper
: "This was the first Time I was ALLOWED to record a concert. Metallica decided to allow bootlegging that year, I had taper tickets. There was me and 3 guys with video cameras. The difference is that they brought the same gear they would use during a clandestine recording gig, and I brought a whole bunch of shit...because I could. I recorded this with 4 mics on stands through a mixing board into a DAT. I set up behind the seats along the back of the walkway, put up my mic stands, plugged the mixer into a convenient outlet, threw on some headphones and let it rip. I balanced the mics in the headphones during COC's set and basically left it alone for Metallica. These were not tiny little condenser mics. They were stage mics my band used. 2 were Radio Shack vocal mics. They were based on Shure SM58 technology, but had a much better low end response. That's why I brought them. The other 2 were condensers we used for overheads on the drums. These got all the high end and ambience. Strangely there were 2 security guys assigned to protect the tapers, but no one else that worked there seemed to have any idea what I was up to. I was asked if I worked for MTV, the band and a bunch of other things. My stock reply was "National Hearing Institute. Sound pressure level testing". Hehe
The reason this is from a cassette is that my DAT went missing a few years ago. Damn tiny things they are, easy to lose. Luckily I made a cassette copy to listen to. The tape was de-hissed once digitized, then EQ'd a bit (the DAT was really bright). Other than that this is what the DAT sounded like, though a bit less dynamic."

Disc 1:

01 Intro Jam / Bad Seed jam
02 So What?
03 Creeping Death
04 Sad But True
05 Ain't My Bitch
06 Hero Of The Day
07 King Nothing
08 One
09 Wasting My Hate
10 bass solo incl. My Friend Of Misery
11 Sanitarium tease
12 Nothing Else Matters
13 Until It Sleeps
14 For Whom the Bell Tolls
15 Wherever I May Roam
16 Fade To Black
17 Seek And Destroy
18 Fight Fire With Fire
19 Metallinoodles: Mission Impossible, Fuel
20 Last Caress
21 Master Of Puppets
22 Enter Sandman
23 Metallinoodles: Stargazer
24 Am I Evil?
25 Motorbreath



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