
 Venue: @Pepsi Arena : Albany, NY
 Date: April 6, 1997
 Time: 86:31
 Size: 2 CDs

 Sound: AUD
 Notes: Equipment : Realistic mic > Sony D3 cassette recorder
Lineage : Master Maxell XLII 90 cassettes > Tascam 202MKV > Edirol R09 (16/44) > Adobe Audition 5.5 (level boost/hiss reduction) > CD Waveditor (track) > flac8
Taper : Koondog (a/k/a RushFan)
Transfer & Tracking: Smores

there was an operator error (possibly accidentally shutting the recorder off) and the second segment of the show was missed completely. This is all that was taped. The source of this setlist is and seems to match up with what was captured. the one thing I am unsure of is why King Nothing cuts off and the online source says One was performed. The tape only has a "One" jam and does NOT include the whole song. It is unclear if the performed both, or just the jam.
A full dvd version exists, "One" is played

Disc 1:

Disc 2:
So What
Creeping Death
Sad But True
Ain't My Bitch
Hero Of The Day
King Nothing [cuts off]
One jam
Wasting My Hate
Bass/Guitar Solos [missing]
Nothing Else Matters [missing]
Until It Sleeps [missing]
For Whom The Bell Toll [missing]
Wherever I May Roam [missing]
Fade To Black [missing]
Seek And Destroy
Fight Fire With Fire
Evil jam
Last Caress
Master Of Puppets
Enter Sandman



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