 August 22, 1992
 Donington Park
 Castle Donington, England, UK
 Decade Of Aggression
 Monsters Of Rock
 1 DVD
 45 Min

Hell Awaits
The Antichrist
South Of Heaven (Pro Shot)(Mid Gen)
Silent Scream (Pro Shot)(Mid Gen)
Dead Skin Mask (Pro Shot)(Master Gen)
Seasons In The Abyss (Pro Shot)(Low Gen)
War Ensemble (Pro Shot)(Low Gen)
Mandatory Suicide
Raining Blood
Angel Of Death

1992.08.22 - Castle Donington, England (MTV)(6 Min):
Interview with Tom & Kerry


Video mixed from various sources :
complete audience recording, MTV shit and 2 unreleased before songs in PRO (I'm pretty sure!)
audio taken from FM bootleg called Devil's Disciples - probably the best quality recording from this show.


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