 August 26, 1995
 Donington Park
 Castle Donington, England
 Divine Intourvention European Tour
 Monster of Rock
 1 DVD
 49:58 min.
About this DVD:
The similar project as Donington 1992, mixed from various sources, including the whole audience recording in MASTER, PRO-SHOT from viva and MTV broadcast in mid gen or something like this.
Audio is great, FM recording. Only a few songs - soh and some Exploited covers (fuck, it's rare performance, isn't it?) was not broadcasted on a radio and has original sound from VHS..
LPCM Audio
Authored, mixed and mastered by: Demolition

1. Chemical Warfare (PRO)
2. Mandatory Suicide (PRO)
3. War Ensemble (PRO)
4. Divine intervention (AUD)
5. South of heaven (AUD, original VHS-audio)
6. War/UK82/Disorder (Exploited-covers) (AUD, original VHS-audio)
7. Dead Skin Mask (AUD)
8. Seasons in the Abyss (AUD)
9. Raining blood (AUD)
10 .Angel of death (AUD)

Download Festival 2005, 12.06.2005 PRO TV Broadcast (not web sourced)

1. War Ensemble
2. Raining Blood
3. Angel of Death


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