
 Venue: @Graspop Metal Meeting, Boeretang : Dessel, Belgium
 Date: June 18, 2016
 Time: 71:04
 Size: 1 CD

 Sound: DAR
 Notes: Source : Sound Professionals SP-CMC-8 Microphones + Sound Professionals SP-SPSB-11 Mini Battery Module with Bass Roll-Off (16Hz) + Edirol R-09HR 44.1kHz / 16 bit >CD Wave Editor>Trader's Little Helper>FLAC level 8


Disc 1:
01 Intro - Thunderstruck
02 Intro - Delusions of Saviour
03 Repentless
04 Disciple
05 Postmortem
06 Hate Worldwide
07 War Ensemble
08 You Against You
09 Mandatory Suicide
10 Fight Till Death
11 Dead Skin Mask
12 Born of Fire
13 Seasons in the Abyss
14 South of Heaven
15 Raining Blood
16 Black Magic
17 Angel of Death




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