
 Venue: @Striders Concert Hall : Columbia, SC
 Date: March 15, 1985
 Time: 53:22
 Size: 1 CD

 Sound: AUD
 Notes: Source : The cassette then transferred to digital using a Sony tape deck (tc-we675 )
to Sony Receiver (str-de475) via a Behringer U-Control UCA202 onto my laptop where it was ripped, trimmed, tracked, Normalized and boosted 3db using audacity saved as a WAV.

This tape was choppy as fuck and a pain in the ass to edit but here it is the best i could do with this hot mess. pretty decent set list. this setlist does not match setlistFM not sure which is correct this tape or the web page.
Antichrist is anounced and started then cuts almost immdiately

Disc 1:
01. Intro
02. Hell Awaits
03. Captor of Sin
04. Aggressive Perfector [cuts very incomplete]
05. Kill Again
06. Haunting the Chapel
07. Crypts of Eternity
08. Black Magic
09. Hardening of the Arteries
10. Chemical Warfare
11. At Dawn They Sleep
12. Praise of Death [cuts in]
The Antichrist [mostly missing]
13. Necrophiliac [incomplete cuts out]



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