
 Venue: @Palatrussardi : Milan, Italy
 Date: May 7, 1987
 Time: 84:07
 Size: 2 CDs

 Sound: AUD
 Notes: Source : TDK DJ2 80 IEC II/Type II Pos. Chrome > Technics RS-EH60 Stereo Cassette Deck (Dolby NR Off, V. Bass Off, Eq. 0dB) > Nero 8 (Wave, 44.1kHz, 16 bit) > EAC (Normalize) > CD Wave Editor (Tracks split) > GoldWave (Fade in-out) > TLH
Transfer from unknown gen. cassette. Has a couple of cuts
Slayer's first time in Italy

Disc 1:
01. Raining Blood
02. Angel Of Death
03. Die By The Sword
04. Praise Of Death
05. Criminally Insane
06. Necrophiliac
07. The Antichrist
08. Black Magic
09. Captor Of Sin
10. Reborn
11. Aggressive Perfector
12. Postmortem
13. Epidemic
14. Hell Awaits
15. Altar Of Sacrifice
16. Jesus Saves
17. At Dawn They Sleep
18. Chemical Warfare




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