
 Venue: @Eisstadion : Esslingen, Germany
 Date: May 9, 1987
 Time: 74:48 / 02:42
 Size: 1 CD

 Sound: AUD
 Notes: Source : unknown gen SONY HF90 tape (Type I cassette) > TEAC V-8030S > TERRATEC DMX6FIREUSB > HD > Soundforge 10.0 (normalization, channel level balancing, track splitting) > TLH (FLAC 8 encoded on sector boundaries) > foobar2000 (tagging) > TLH (ffp & md5)

transferred and mastered by scabbyman

Version 2 : full show

Disc 1:
01. Raining Blood
02. Angel Of Death
03. Die By The Sword
04. Praise Of Death
05. Crimally Insane
06. Necrophiliac
07. Aggressive Perfector
08. Black Magic
09. Captor Of Sin
10. Reborn
11. The Antichrist
12. Postmortem
13. Epidemic
14. Hell Awaits
15. <encore break>
16. Altar Of Sacrifice
17. Jesus Saves
18. <encore break 2>
19. At Dawn They Sleep

20. bonus interview from Hard 'N' Heavy TV on German Tele 5 channel :
Annette Hopfenmüller with Tom Araya & Kerry King [in German]




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