
 Venue: @Warfield Theater : San Francisco, CA, USA
 Date: May 31, 1998
 Time: 72:41
 Size: 1 CD

 Sound: DAR B+  
 Notes: Source : Sony ECM727> Sony mdR50
Recorded By : ACCA**DACCA

Notes from taper :"A WILD nite at the packed Warfield in the shittiest part of downtown SF with an overly drunk and enthuisiastic crowd. I was able to get up to about 15 feet from stage against lower bar railing and aside from some occasional glitches here and there got a killer sounding show sure to please.
This is the 5th Diabolus In Musica show and played before the album was released." Bassy recording with bad tracks transitions. First minute of track 2 has slight speed problem.

Disc 1:
01. Hell Awaits
02. Spirit In Black
03. War Ensemble
04. Death's Head
05. South Of Heaven
06. Dittohead
07. Captor of Sin
08. Die By The Sword / Black Magic
09. Stain Of Mind
10. Raining Blood / Altar of Sacrifice / Jesus Saves
11. Dead Skin Mask
12. Sex, Murder, Art
13. Chemical Warfare
14. Mandatory Suicide
15. Angel of Death




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