Venue: @Washington Avenue Armory : Albany,NY
 Date: November 25, 2014
 Time: 46:14
 Size: 1 CD

 Sound: DAR
 Notes: Taped by: Beatkilla
Lineage: AT933's (4.7K mod) > PIPsqueak > Sony PCM-M10 > < USB 2.0 > Sony Vegas > CDwav > TLH > Flac

There a few spots of level changes and distortion in first 10 mins due to high gain on preamp trying to dial in for slayer i was not sure if the clip light was working hence the high gain test....
Opening for Slayer.

Disc 1:
You Can't Bring Me Down
War Inside My Head
Possessed To Skate
I Saw Your Mommy
Cyco Vision
Pledge Your Allegiance




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